Thursday, April 22, 2010

Time for a Miracle


Yesterday after I signed a lease for HWI's new headquarters I thought, "Okay God this is Your ministry. It's time for a few miracles!"

At 9AM I got a "call annoying" beep while talking on the phone. The miracle awaiting was from God. The man introduced himself and the foundation he represented. He went on to say, we have just granted you a $5,000 unrestricted grant. This was a God sized miracle since I hadn't applied for the grant. Someone else approached them on our behalf.

If I had delayed in signing the lease yesterday, what would I have missed today? This incidence showed me how our obedience impacts so many more people than we can imagine.

As I shared this story with the gal who approached the foundation, it encouraged her faith. She could see her "small" part in praying for HWI and talking with her contact as part of a much bigger picture. She was able to see God at work through her obedience as she did what God was prompting her to do. She shared how her part of the miracle required learning forgiveness, stepping out in faith and not allowing fear to hold her back.

If we think faith and obedience are all about us, we are wrong. Read a few of the responses I've received and see how our obedience to Christ is vital for the entire body of Christ.

“Yippeeeeee!!! I love being on this adventure ride with you!!!” Shel

“Awesome!!! God is good... always!!” Jeff

“When I shared your good news with my wife, her response was ‘this is God letting Alice know that she is on the right track.’

I should not be amazed but I am. Time and again you have stepped out in faith only to have your steps affirmed. When I was wrestling with my belief in God almost forty years ago, I wanted proof that their really was a God.

The response I got from God was "trust Me." That is the only way we can go. Trust in Him with all our minds, bodies and souls and He will accomplish His works.

Thank you for sharing the good news, it was a fabulous reminder of my own need to Trust in the Lord in every thing.” Phil

“Praise God and to God be the glory. This is amazing news, Alice; HWI shows much promise; I can’t wait to see the space.” Tim

“Wow - all that feedback I gave you the other day and I should have just said one thing . . . ‘be sure to answer your phone when it rings.’ Another chapter for your book. Praise God,” Kurt

"The Good News is that u were obedient and faithful to Him...cannot wait to see how God Blesses this!" Kim

“Pretty amazing things happening for you!...God is good.” S

“To God through Jesus Christ be the Glory!” Daniel

“Waoh! Now are we not beginning to have wheels! Praise God, praise God, is all I can say. More faith, sista!” Zach

“Alice if you had anymore in your pocket and signed it I would have thought you to boasting on your own merit. Only Alice.” Susie

"Can you come my way and give some of the finer points on obedience. It is very difficult, but good for you Alice." Cheryl