Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Gift of Words

Here is a paragraph from one of the Eastern European Students who has the privilege of studying in America for six weeks during the summer. It is a program that involves the efforts of Wheaton College, Domanada Foundation and others. Before leaving they write up a final paper about their experience. 

Specifically I want to give some place in my writing to bicycle. (You know that every student was given a free bicycle in the beginning of the program.) First, I did not bike for about 30 years! So, for me it was a challenge to get back to the saddle. But little by little I get to use biking and my last achievement was driving to the church 12 miles away from the campus. 12 miles one way and 12 miles return by prairie path. I was exhausted but happy. Not only because of the beauty of the forests and parks, but because two of my dreams come true. I always wanted to bike with my wife and our oldest son, but was kind of too timid to do so. Also, I dreamed about coming to US and go wherever I want all by myself. I thought for this reason I need to rent a car, but bike is quite appropriate and absolutely free of gas expenses.

When he went home we sent him with a pedal to fix his son's bike.

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