Friday, October 21, 2011

Record High

This morning there were 13 of our His Wheels team at the Headquarters along with Rick and Carol Calenberg missionaries serving with SIM (Serving in Mission). The Calenbergs spent several years as missionaries in Nigeria. On Sunday I (Alice) thought Rick was the missionary in the picture I had of the trikes we bought in Nigeria back in 2005 but I was wrong. God used that mistake to bring us together for a meeting this morning. He knew all the people in the picture and could speak of the way transportation meets such an important need for those in Nigeria and throughout the world. Rick encouraged us to continue our work and shared some scripture with us of continuing on along the highway of holiness.

Our staff team also met today and began to discuss some of the other needs we have to build our infrastructure. In a few weeks we hope to bring some of our needs to you to see if you can help. Please pray for us as we determine the tools needed to take His Wheels to the next destination God has for us.

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