Tuesday, May 3, 2011

important Lessons gained through participating

Yesterday a 10 year old missionary kid came to get a bike. When it came time for him to give a donation I had the opportunity to make it a teachable moment. I explained how giving is an issue of the heart. I asked him if the bike was valuable to him. He said, "Yes." I pointed out that when we get something of value we are willing to give until it hurts. I also pointed out that his giving was a way for him to have a part in the ministry of HWI. I shared the story of how when God first challenged me to buy bikes in Tanzania He asked me to give $1,200, the cost of my road bike, which I had just ridden up on and this young boy saw. I said, it was a lot of money because I was only making $450 at the time. I explained what that meant. I said, but God gave it all back to me and more within a week. I said my giving $1,200 is where HWI began. Four years ago they had received bikes from us while on furlough, from my backyard. They made mention of how God had grown HWI.

I also shared how we all like to get something for free, especially me. But I explained that a donation does not mean give as little as you can and get as much as possible. It means give what God is asking of you. So he and his dad went out to the van and prayed.

What a precious sight to see this 10 year old come in holding his donation between prayer folded hands, with his head bowed over his hands. I watched as he placed his donation in our locked donation box realizing this young life was changed by the experience of getting a bike. This young boy came in for a bike and I watched him leave forever changed by the challenge of participating in the ministry of HWI in his own way. He left having met God. I shutter to think what he and his siblings would have missed if they weren't given the opportunity to participate in this way. I witnessed many things that are near to my heart:
1. The life lessons that a bike has to teach us
2. The fact that giving is an act of worship
3. We can all participate in Christ's Kingdom and reach our full potential in ministry
4. HWI is a ministry who's platform is a bicycle but our goal is that bicycle transportation will facilitate life transformation.

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