Monday, February 7, 2011

Prayer Discovery

Sometimes human interruptions are an important component of prayer. The crying needs of people are part of the Spirit’s sensitivity through prayer. Over the last two days as I’ve set aside time to pray, and have been in the midst of prayer three significant interruptions have come my way.

Through these situations I realized my heart was in prayer but I was also called to give. It is at these times that I have to marry the different components of prayer, which in these encounters required the feet of action. I didn’t seek these encounters but God knew I was available for them to come my way. They were divine encounters that touched God’s heart and the hearts of many as there was a rippling effect outwards from each person I encountered. The rippling impact was as far reaching as Tanzanian as a friend there said, “Tell Alice thank you for helping us to tell our story.”

Prayer is an attitude, that requires action, stamina, perseverance, and interaction with the Triune God. As I come to the throne of God in a posture of humility, with ears, eyes and a heart open to the Lord Jesus the Holy Spirit will uncover new things to me. My discoveries will come through the inspired and inerrant words of Holy Scripture, the leading of the Holy Spirit, the beauty of nature, the individuals that I encounter, and other tools God has creatively made to sculpt me into the child He wants me to become.

It is only in retrospect that I can see these different components of prayer. So, now as I will reach the goal of praying 8,000 hours by the end of February on my Pray 10K journey I now understand the concept of praying without ceasing. However that is only the beginning. Now I must learn to implement the components of praying without ceasing. For me as these interruptions came I was at first annoyed by the interruptions. But now I see I can only pray without ceasing if my attitude is in the right place before God when He asks me to participate in the things that are near to His heart.

As God revealed these amazing discoveries to me I also experienced how only God can fill the deepest places in my soul. Through prayer I am clothed in honor, glory, majesty, blessedness and a richness that rivals all the money in the world. Prayer has provided a thrill and joy that is more exciting than any sports venue I could ever view. It is an adventure second to none. Prayer is enveloped in a peace that passes all understanding. It provides a freedom beyond bounds leaving me in a spacious place beyond what I could ever hope for or dream of uncovering.

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